Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hiya! It's been a little while since I have blogged. Things are just nuts right now, and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. Austin is continuing with his behaviors, and that makes it hard on everyone! UGH!

Russell and Austin are on their way to pick up a new couch we are buying. It is blue, nice condition, and has a queen size hide a bed in it! $60! Not too bad! We really need it. We are currently using a generic futon and it is falling apart. But we didn't want just a regular couch because the boys like to sleep out in the living room where it is cooler.

So, we got the three month review in the mail for the girls yesterday, and we were pretty shocked at some of the information that was updated! Turns out that birth father failed a drug test in June, AND has given false information as to his current residence. The address he provided does not exist. Nice. The birth mother lost her job because she was fighting. She lost her previous job because she threatened her supervisor. Wonderful. What is wrong with these people?? Ok, so I know I am suppose to be objective...blah..blah..blah. I was, and did my best to be. But they have proven time and time again that they are not interested in these girls. The father only shows up to visits randomly, and never consistently. Neither of them provide anything they are suppose to for these girls. Seriously....double ugh! Ok, enough with that subject..needed to

If the rain can hold off, we will go to Swiss Days. The parade is at 6pm, but not sure if the rain will hold off. Sure hope so! I took Austin yesterday and got some cheese fingers..can I just say OMG!!!!!! They were awesome! Bought some kettle corn, and some school shirts for the boys. We walked through the big tent that every fair has, that has the businesses set up with free samples, note pads, ink pens, etc.. I love free stuff!

I plan on going to the bookstore at Ivy Tech on Monday to get my textbooks, and a new book bag...They are selling Vera ones now! woohoo!!!

Well, I will write again in a few days! Thanks for tuning in!

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