Saturday, August 1, 2009

My CrAzY, InSaNe LiFe!!!!

Wow, things seem to be really rushed anymore. I just want to slow down! It will come!!!

School starts again in 2 weeks. I am excited, although I am not sure Dustin and Austin feel the same This also means my classes start in 3 weeks! OY! I am prepared, though, as far as supplies and books. Got it at the bookstore at Ivy Tech
. Today I finished school supply shopping for the boys. Got their new backpacks as well. Austin got a Spongebob Squarepants one, of course. Dustin got an Indianapolis Colts one. He decided that this year he was too old for a cartoon one, ya know, cause almost 9 is just sooo old! LOL!!!

Bible school starts tomorrow at church, and while Austin really wants to go, I just don't think it is a wise decision. He does not do well with a lot of people, especially children. He tried going with a friend last week and cried the entire time he was gone. Too much noise, too many people, etc. So I am still unsure. I hate to tell him no, but I also know how it will end.

On another note, the visitation with the girls' birth father have been suspended due to his not showing up at the visits. Out of 4 possible visits with his daughters, he has came to 1, and no call, no showed to the other 3. So, per the rules of visitation, they have been put on hold until DCS can get ahold of him and set a meeting.

We have planted a very small garden for fall harvest. We planted radishes and onions. We had already planted onions for summer harvest, but we are eating them all up, so there are none to store for the winter. Now there will be a winter store. We are getting more tomatoes every day! Almost too many for us to eat! I have been enjoying a nice big salad every day with goodies from the garden.

Next year, we are building raised beds to garden with. Each bed will have it's own produce in it. One bed for onions, one bed for cherry tomatoes, one bed for regular tomatoes, etc. Russell says I have to learn to can by then. Fun fun!

Well, I am off for the night! Thanks for tuning in!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hiya! It's been a little while since I have blogged. Things are just nuts right now, and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. Austin is continuing with his behaviors, and that makes it hard on everyone! UGH!

Russell and Austin are on their way to pick up a new couch we are buying. It is blue, nice condition, and has a queen size hide a bed in it! $60! Not too bad! We really need it. We are currently using a generic futon and it is falling apart. But we didn't want just a regular couch because the boys like to sleep out in the living room where it is cooler.

So, we got the three month review in the mail for the girls yesterday, and we were pretty shocked at some of the information that was updated! Turns out that birth father failed a drug test in June, AND has given false information as to his current residence. The address he provided does not exist. Nice. The birth mother lost her job because she was fighting. She lost her previous job because she threatened her supervisor. Wonderful. What is wrong with these people?? Ok, so I know I am suppose to be objective...blah..blah..blah. I was, and did my best to be. But they have proven time and time again that they are not interested in these girls. The father only shows up to visits randomly, and never consistently. Neither of them provide anything they are suppose to for these girls. Seriously....double ugh! Ok, enough with that subject..needed to

If the rain can hold off, we will go to Swiss Days. The parade is at 6pm, but not sure if the rain will hold off. Sure hope so! I took Austin yesterday and got some cheese fingers..can I just say OMG!!!!!! They were awesome! Bought some kettle corn, and some school shirts for the boys. We walked through the big tent that every fair has, that has the businesses set up with free samples, note pads, ink pens, etc.. I love free stuff!

I plan on going to the bookstore at Ivy Tech on Monday to get my textbooks, and a new book bag...They are selling Vera ones now! woohoo!!!

Well, I will write again in a few days! Thanks for tuning in!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am back!

Whew! What a week! Fun fun fun! King's Island is awesome!

Ya know, I realized that when you switch from regular coke/pepsi/whatever, and start eating better, you actually feel better and lose a few pounds! Things are fitting better! I would drink, on average, 5 12oz cans a day. Each can has something like 250+ calories in it. Diet has zero! So now I am cutting out at least 1500 calories a day! That's like a whole meal plan worth!

I will post pics from vacation, hopefully tomorrow!

Goodnight all!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Ok, so Verizon came through wonderfully! Even though they said it would be Saturday before I would get the new replacement phone, they actually had it to me before noon on Friday! YAY!!!!

Today has been a hectic day! We leave for vacation tomorrow, and still had sooo much left to do! Thankfully, it is all done! All we have left to do is grab pillows and quilts on the way out the door.

I will miss the babies while I am gone, but will also enjoy the break.

I will not be posting until Friday at least, due to being on vacation, but I will post pics and stories then!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Long Day

What a long day! First Anessa had to go to the doc for a check up due to eating 4X what she should in a day... They found nothing wrong. Ooookkkk..... So then why does she consume that much (1 gallon a day + baby food + regular food) and has only gained 1 pound in almost three months... Well, anyways, labs came back normal, so now we will just work on getting her to drink less.

Then I had to drop both girls off for visitation with their birth mother. Oh what fun. When I got there to get them, Anessa had chicken nuggets and was trying to gum them... When I said something about her not being able to chew that consistency yet, birth mother tried to pass the blame to one of the other girls. I understand that the other girl might have given her the nuggets, but it was birth mother's job to watch her. Oh well...

Then I came home and found that the replacement Blackberry had arrived (old one freezes and drops calls...could be the drops it has, and it was not fit to use. The number buttons and the blackberry button had the paint scratched off, and the screen had a horizontal white line through it.. NICE! Now I have to wait until Saturday for the replacement for the replacement. UGH! Although, I do have to admit, Verizon has been wonderful about replacing the phone. It isn't their fault that the warehouse sent one that wasn't fit for use.

I then checked the mail and the new tankini I ordered had come in! WOOHOO!! It is from the Disney Store, but I got it on Ebay. It originally sold for $39.99 and I got it brand new for $16.00 including shipping! It has Eeyore on it, even! I am sooo excited!!!!!

The kiddos are now in bed, and I am going to take this time to relax! Goodnight all!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Satelites and Walking and Swimming...oh my!

So, Directv came out today and installed 3 BRAND NEW HD DVR receivers and one HD standard receiver. FREE OF CHARGE! We have had service with them for 6 years, so they had no problems doing the upgrade...woohoo!

Anessa (9mos) is walking more every day! It is hard to believe she is walking already. Now if she would just get some teeth coming in....

It has been a relatively quiet day around here. Not too much with Austin, save for some light screaming while swimming.

I tell ya, that pool was the best investment we ever made! The boys are in it at least three times per day. Me and Russell do our swimming in the evenings after the kiddos are down for the night. Relaxing time.

Tomorrow I am going to the elementary school and putting an application in for a teacher's aide. They received a grant for more aides this year due to combining the elementary and middle schools. It is only for one school year but that will coincide with my nursing clinicals, so it is perfect.

I just had a classes start up in a month and a half! I actually can't wait! I sorta miss

Well, that is it for now...more to come later!


Verizon Wireless

UGH!!!!! Can I bang my head against the wall? Sometimes I want to choke the people at Verizon! So last month I noticed I had an upgrade available on one of the phones. I went in last night to take a look at what is available, and IT WAS GONE! I called today and they tried to tell me I wasn't eligible until November. THEN, after being on hold for more than ten minutes, they come back and say "OH, sorry bout that, we found it now." Ok, great, so I start to order my phone, and my blackberry drops the call....wonderful. I call back and the lady I speak with tells me that now I have to deal with mail in rebates. NO WAY! I would rather wait and not get a phone! I am now waiting on the original rep that I spoke with to call back......


Monday, July 6, 2009

Austin Michael

Ok, those of you who know me, know that I have a son who has autism. Austin has been a HANDFULL tonight!!!!!!!!!!

There is one certain girl that comes to play, and it seems that whenever she does he gets worse..ugh!

Tonight we have battled hitting, spitting, kicking, name calling, screaming, defiance, etc. Things just seem to get out of hand.. We have admitted him into the behavior center twice before with no improvement. The problem lies with the facility as well as with Austin. When he is there, there are no consequences for his actions. This does not help him learn to behave better.

So now his meltdown has been happening since around 4pm. Seems like nothing is working to bring him out of it. At this point I am seriously considering running away from

Ok, just needed to vent a little.


Dear Lord, can I sell my kids?

Ok, so I am going nuts today. Austin has been a bear this afternoon, and Abria will NOT leave him alone. She somehow knows exactly what sets him off...ugh!!!!!!!

I have now set a pediatrician appointment for Anessa, because the girl drinks like a fish! She is 9mos old and drinks at least a gallon a day of formula/water/juice. WOWSERS!

Only 8 more days til vacation!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!

On the bright side, I have exercised today! I did my grocery shopping, turning down ALL sweets, and carried them all inside. Lots of walking, as it took us an hour to do the Also the trips to the basement to put the stuff in the freezer and take the pop downstairs. I DID get pop, but I have switched to Diet Coke.

I also have not had any sweets today to eat! WOOHOO!!

Went to the visitation with the girls' dad today, and waited the required 15 minutes and he was a no call no show. Nice. An hour trip, one way, wasted...ugh! Oh well....that's what we signed up for.

Til next time....


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! If you are reading this, then that means you decided to visit me! Welcome!

I will use this first post to introduce myself.

I am Majenica, also known as Jeni. I am a mamma to two biological sons, Dustin(8 3/4) and Austin(7), and two foster daughters, Abria(20mos) and Anessa(9mos). I am married to a wonderful man, Russell, for 13 years. This is my blog is set up to be my journey through life while living at "The Funny Farm" and also my weight loss journey. I want to be healthier, not just for me but for my children. If I do not set a good example of how to eat and live healthy, how will they learn?

I am 31 years old, and have been through a lot of things in my lifetime. I graduated college in September 2008 with an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice, and I am now enrolled in college again to pursue my nursing degree. I have not decided yet if I want to pursue an RN or stick with LPN. Guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

My husband and I were licensed for foster care in July 2008, and didn't get our first placements until January 23, 2009. We got two girls, Abria and Anessa. They have brought tremendous joy into our lives!

Our sons are wonderful, outgoing children. Dustin is a sports player. He loves to ride his bike and his skateboard. The boy can make friends with anyone! He will be in the third grade in the fall. Austin is a lover of all things Spongebob! He also loves riding his bike, and he will be in the second grade this!! Where has the time gone???????

Well, that is it for the first post, but please keep looking for more!!!!
