Saturday, August 1, 2009

My CrAzY, InSaNe LiFe!!!!

Wow, things seem to be really rushed anymore. I just want to slow down! It will come!!!

School starts again in 2 weeks. I am excited, although I am not sure Dustin and Austin feel the same This also means my classes start in 3 weeks! OY! I am prepared, though, as far as supplies and books. Got it at the bookstore at Ivy Tech
. Today I finished school supply shopping for the boys. Got their new backpacks as well. Austin got a Spongebob Squarepants one, of course. Dustin got an Indianapolis Colts one. He decided that this year he was too old for a cartoon one, ya know, cause almost 9 is just sooo old! LOL!!!

Bible school starts tomorrow at church, and while Austin really wants to go, I just don't think it is a wise decision. He does not do well with a lot of people, especially children. He tried going with a friend last week and cried the entire time he was gone. Too much noise, too many people, etc. So I am still unsure. I hate to tell him no, but I also know how it will end.

On another note, the visitation with the girls' birth father have been suspended due to his not showing up at the visits. Out of 4 possible visits with his daughters, he has came to 1, and no call, no showed to the other 3. So, per the rules of visitation, they have been put on hold until DCS can get ahold of him and set a meeting.

We have planted a very small garden for fall harvest. We planted radishes and onions. We had already planted onions for summer harvest, but we are eating them all up, so there are none to store for the winter. Now there will be a winter store. We are getting more tomatoes every day! Almost too many for us to eat! I have been enjoying a nice big salad every day with goodies from the garden.

Next year, we are building raised beds to garden with. Each bed will have it's own produce in it. One bed for onions, one bed for cherry tomatoes, one bed for regular tomatoes, etc. Russell says I have to learn to can by then. Fun fun!

Well, I am off for the night! Thanks for tuning in!